Babywearing Lending library
Sharing the love
Babywearing is such a wonderful resource for caregivers.The list of benefits to both baby and caregiver is vast. We are sure you probably know that and that's why you are here. Our lending library is used mainly by caregivers who wish to try out different carriers to see which feels best for their needs before purchasing. Others choose to live minimally and borrow carriers as they need. Our library lends carriers for 1-2 week periods and you can borrow as many times as you like throughout the year. To join please fill out the form currently found here.
There is a $25/year membership to join (please contact us if you require sliding scale) Payments can be made to hello@ponniematinstudios.com please add note: Lending library for (your name)
A deposit is required via cheque or credit card authorization form. No charge will be applied unless carriers are damaged, extremely dirty or not returned.
Pick up/drop offs can be arranged per basis or on library day. Please message us if you have specific requests.
We are always looking for new and gently used carriers to add to our library or donate to those in need. Thank you for thinking of us when you are ready to pass on your carrier. We guarantee it will continue to be well loved.
Current carriers include:
*I have used Amazon links to many of the carriers below for you to be able to see all the carriers specs. I do not recommend buying carriers from unknown sellers via Amazon or other websites. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases
We have over 100 carriers (this list will be updated soon)
Soft Structure Carrier
Manduca XT
Marsupi Classic
Tula standard black
Tula standard robots
Tula Explore
Tula Toddler rainbow
Kinderpack infant-standard farm
Boba Air
True North
Neobulle 100% cotton
Maya wrap padded shoulder 100% cotton
Chimparoo with pocket navy size s
Woven wrap
Lenny lamb 4.6m blue hearts
Stretchy Wraps
Baluga Baby
L- gray
S-gray mesh
S- Blue
Jj Cole agility size s
Meh Dai
Lenny Lamb wrap straps
Manduca Twist
Lenny Lamb
Framed Packs
Babywearing covers
Current Library Wishlist
We are seeking these carriers for the library or friends of the library. Please let us know if you can help.
Ergo Aerloom
Baby Bjorn Harmony
Baby Bjorn Mini